Helsingborg.se - Official website of the City of Helsingborg. Have any questions about the city? You can reach them on various channels including website chat, phone, email and social media. For example, are you looking for a public parking space near your apartment? Contact the municipality.
Visit Helsingborg - Find loads of information on what to do, activities, shopping, food etc. in town. The website also includes multiple digital maps of attractions around the city.
Helsingborg International Connections - Great resource for internationals, HIC holds weekly drop-in sessions for those who may have any questions related to living in this new city along with several other events ranging from culture, work and social life.
Campus Helsingborg - Information related to various departments in Campus Helsingborg, Lund University.
Helsingborg Students - Run by the municipality, find information on accommodation, student life, grants and more.
The International School of Helsingborg (ISH) - IB International School
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) – Bilingual school with grades 4-9 (Lessons in both English and Swedish)
Helsingborg Volunteer Centre - Information on how to volunteer in the city
Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) - How to sign up for SFI in Helsingborg, list of schools and more information.
Helsingborgs Dagblad - The daily newspaper of Helsingborg and neighbouring areas.
Väla - Big shopping centre in the outskirts of Helsingborg.
Blocket - Shop, buy second-hand, rentals and much more
ForSea – Ferry related information between Helsingborg and Helsingör (Denmark)
Skånetrafiken - Information related to bus and train travel in Helsingborg (and all of Skåne)
1177 - Healthcare in Sweden – Booking appointments, prescriptions and more.
Krisinformation - Warnings, alerts and emergency information from the Swedish authorities.
Folkhälsomyndigheten – Swedish Public Health Authority (Find all COVID-19 related updates here)
Newbie Guide to Sweden - Very useful information for newcomers on topics ranging from language, housing, work, health, driving and much more. This is a must website for all those planning to move or have just moved to Sweden.
The Local Sweden - Your daily dose of local news in English! The Local is a multi-regional digital news publisher which will never make you feel out of touch with what is happening in Sweden and around. Did you know when you sign up as a member you can also access other European editions of The Local.
Arbetsförmedlingen – Swedish Public Employment Service. Support available in multiple languages.
Trafiverket and Transportstyrelsen - Driving license, congestion taxes and other traffic-related rules/information
Migrationsverket - Swedish Migration Authority. Support available in multiple languages.
Skatteverket - Swedish Tax Authority. Support available in multiple languages.
Skolverket – Swedish National Agency for Education.
Försäkringskassan - Social Insurance Agency
Have any more suggestions? Comment below and share!