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Important links for information on COVID-19

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Here is a compilation of all the important links from Helsingborg and Sweden related to COVID-19. These cover healthcare, testing, vaccinations, travel, restrictions and more.

Swedish Public Health Authority - Updates, restrictions and recommendations, FAQs

Government of Sweden - Official information, press releases and strategies

Information in other languages - Public health agency official information in different languages

COVID-19 self-test: How to book a COVID-19 self-test (at home and sample site drive-in)

Book an Antibody test: How to book an anti-body test with your health centre

Vaccination in Skåne: Order or priority, updates by Region Skåne and other information

Copenhagen airport (Kastrup) - Information on travel bans, restrictions, requirements etc.

COVID-19 updates in Denmark - Restrictions, information on entry/exit

A banner with the text Helsingborg specific information with an illustration of virus.


We also update regularly on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) and would encourage you to follow for the latest information related to the COVID-19 crisis.



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