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COVID-19 vaccination schedule in Skåne

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Finally, vaccination is here! For those who are interested in getting the vaccine or learning more about how the programme is planned in Skåne, here is some information compiled from official sources (Region Skåne, 1177 and Folkhälsomyndigheten). Please note this text will be updated as and when authorities release more information.

Update (06 June) - Region Skåne has released a new timetable for vaccination. This is a preliminary schedule and will depend on how many vaccines are delivered to Skåne.

Vaccination is free and voluntary in Sweden. You can find all the source links at the end of this article.

45 - 59 years old, born 1976 or earlier, can book an appointment for vaccination now. Follow this link to book a slot. 

40 - 44 years old, born in 1981 or earlier, will be able to book an appointment starting in mid-June.

35 - 39 years old, born in 1986 or earlier, will be able to book an appointment starting at the end of June.

30 - 34 years old, born in 1991 or earlier, will be able to book an appointment starting in early July.

18 - 29 years old, born in 1992 or later, will be able to book an appointment starting at the end of July.



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